Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Homeschool Weblink-Right Brain Math

It's Wednesday and that means it's time for Weblink Wednesday.
Once upon a time, SoCalVal hosted a link up called Weblink Wednesday on her blog where homeschool moms all over the planet would link up and share their great finds on the web that help them with their homeschool. Then SoCalVal would compile the great links on her website appropriately called Weblink Education.
Today is the very first Weblink Wednesday for this year, and I am so very excited to participate every Wednesday sharing what I have found and seeing what other moms have found.

I've been researching and looking for new ways to teach math to my kiddos this year. The other day I stumbled upon this very cool site called Right Brain Math. This link goes directly to a page with some quick videos (the first one starts playing instantly) where he shows the 3's times table in like 3 seconds on a tic-tac-toe board. That totally got my attention as I had never seen something so cool before. I love math and patterns and math patterns and numbers and all the fun tricks you can do with them. After I watched the video I excitedly called the kids over to watch it telling them how incredibly cool it was. They watched it and I saw some lights go on inside their heads. They all thought it was pretty cool but weren't quit that excited to be learning math concepts right before bedtime. But did say that it would be fun to watch more during regular school teaching hours. There are several videos to watch where he shows some very cool and easy tricks for the 6 times table and the 9s and several others. If you click on the kids section you can find some free i-phone apps to practice the 4s, 3s and 7s. There are even more videos teaching more patterns and tricks on YouTube. I am really excited about these videos and implementing them in our school time this year.

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