Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Take the First Step in Faith


This was the question I asked my kids at the beginning of this homeschool school year, even the two graduates. Usually at the beginning of the school year I write a verse on the board and it sets the overall theme and direction for the year; this year God set me in a different direction. This is more than just your basic, what do you want to be when you grow up question. It is a question that sets the course of the next chapter in your story. It causes us to earnestly seek God so He may reveal His plan for us. We were all created with a purpose, a destiny of hope and security in Him if we listen and follow the prompting of the Lord to walk into what He is calling us to.

For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Chances are, you probably do not feel equipped for or feel prepared for what He is calling you to in your finite world view. And that is just how God wants it. God speaks to our future. He is calling us to step into our future relying on His wisdom and strength. He does not call us to do that which we are capable of doing fully on our own. God loves to work through us when we are at our weakest so that His strength and glory shines through. It is our job to say yes and follow His leading.

And now, I pose the question to you. What is God calling you to that you do not feel equipped for? I encourage you to seek God out and ask Him to reveal to you what is next in your story. Because when we are walking out God’s plans for our lives, we thrive. Even in the midst of the hardships of life that will inevitably come our way, we will still thrive. Remember, God is able to do above and beyond anything that we can imagine. So you can take that first step of faith and accomplish what He is calling you to do, go where he is calling you to go, and speak what he is calling you to speak with complete confidence that He has it all under control. If you need some inspiration, check out Ruth, Gideon, Esther or Mary all beautiful examples who said yes to what God had called them to.

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