Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Weblink Wednesday - Human Body Unit Study

My online time lately has been spent preparing for a human body unit study for the munchkins. I thought I would share with you some of the better sites I have found.

  • Homeschool Share Human Body Lapbook - This lapbook is geared more for kindergarten/1st grade.
  • Human Body Lapbook by Jimmie - This lapbook is not a premade lapbook but more of a resource so you can prepare your own unit study to lapbook or notebook.
  • Human Body Unit Study (pdf) - This is a unit study on the human body that has some great pictures.
  • Do You Know Anatomy -  This is an interactive label me.
  • A Look Inside the Human Body - Geared for 4th graders, this site has the basics of the body broken up into the different systems. 
  • Brain Hat - This is a really cool idea for constructing a "hat" of the brain. It has the different parts of the brain labeled so when it is on, you can see exactly where they are located. Very hands on and very cool. I can't wait until we get to the brain section of the unit study so we can do this.
  • My Body - This book is available through teacher created resources (You can purchase an actual book or purchase it as an e-book). I have this book and love it. This is to make a life size diagram of the body. Trace the outline of your little one's body on bulletin board paper or news print (you can get the ends of the rolls really cheap usually at your local paper). The kids can them put their body parts where they belong. Kids love doing this activity. It lets them get a realistic perspective on how their body is put together.

Head over to Homeschooling With Encouragement for more great homeschool weblinks.



  1. You are great! I'm going to use your post as a feature page on Weblink

    Thanks for participating today. I'm late in getting around - we had a termite invasion!!! I'm off to make some calls to get these little critters gone!


  2. Thanks for stopping by! These are great links. We used a few last year when we did the human body.

  3. Hello,

    I have just been researching this unit for my son who I homeschool...

    fantastic, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!

    Sharon (Australia)

  4. We are in the midst of a human body unit for my younger two (6th and 8th grade). Fun stuff! :)

  5. Thank you so much for the links. The worst part of preparing for a unit study is finding what works best and that research can take hours. God bless you and your family and thank you

  6. @ A. Williams You are so welcome. I know how much work unit studies can be so I love to post for others when I can.


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