Monday, March 12, 2012

P52 Week 10 - Be Still

My P52 Photography Challenge post for last week is at this point unfashionably late but it is now up none the less. I am finding myself increasingly busier by the day. Every day that illusive “to-do” list acquires more items added to it than I have the ability to check off. This last week’s photography theme was “Be Still” and for me, it has been a perfect opportunity for God to remind me to be still and rest in Him. I can’t not be busy, there’s a lot to do. But I can however be still in the midst of the business and remember that He is God, the Creator of the Universe and the Lover of My Soul. I need daily reminders to be like Martha and sit at His feet every day. He is the only one who can keep me sane and focused on what really matters in the midst of all the details and business in life.

This post is linked to P52 Photography Challenge with Darcy at Life with my 3 Boybarians.

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