Tuesday, March 27, 2012

P52 Challenge Hunger

This is the let's catch up on blogging and my photography challenge post. I've been a bit busy lately being in weddings, going on field tips, being a mommy, homeschooling, and so many other things I am sure you don't want me to bore you with. But here are the last two photography challenge photos for the P52 Challenge with Darcy.
The Eyes of March

Isn't this goose cool? We saw him on a nature walk a couple weeks ago. Actually we saw about a dozen geese. I love their little eyes.


I am so thankful that my kids have never had to truly experience hunger. We are so blessed that God has always faithfully provided so we always have something to eat. So many kids in the world don't have the luxury of 3 meals plus snacks. When my kids say they are starving to death, I always inform them that they aren't really and that they'll live. When I do that they think I am so mean, but really I know they can't be that hungry since they are fed regularly.

This post is linked to P52 Photography Challenge with Darcy.

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