Monday, May 11, 2009

Mommy's Day Surprise

Mother’s Day for me usually doesn’t include much celebrating. I am not one who enjoys lots of attention so this for me is perfect. Daddy Reg had to work after church and Little Man went with his Papa to see Great Grandma Reg for Mother’s Day. So I was at home with the girls.
We watched girl movies and enjoyed the day. At dinner time the girls gave me a little bundle wrapped in a doll blanket and tied with a cloth belt. Inside, I found the greatest gifts I could have gotten. Princess K gave me her collection of rocks that are heart shaped. Little G gave me a rock she picked out and Miss H gave me her first plastic lace keychain that she made. I love that they gave me things from their hearts. I think that, with all holidays, the day has gone commercial and the very heart of the day has been lost for a while.
Later on, after G had a bath, she was drying off and I hadn’t put her diaper on. All of the sudden she started yelling “Potty! Go Potty!” and ran to the bathroom. She went on the toilet! This is the first victory in potty training her. I am just so excited; it was a great Mother’s Day surprise.

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