Something I was thinking this morning was how when they were little, I would be more on edge and feel so less confident that I had a clue as to how to take care of the kids when they were sick. Knowing what works for each one to help them get better faster and be more comfortable while they are sick is important but with each kid, it is a learning curve. As a new mom, you are nervous and unsure about what medicines to give them, how much to give them. Now that they are older and I know what to watch for with each of them, I don’t feel as nervous about them being sick. I know what medicine works and what makes each of them feel better. I know the home remedies that I can count on and the ones that don’t really work for them.
As a young mom, everything is new and unfamiliar. But as your littles get older, it gets easier to handle sicknesses. Your confidence grows and that feeling of panic that rushes over you the first time you hear your little one cough is just a distant memory. While I still feel bad for them, I am confident that I know what to do. That is the lesson for today. As the years have gone by my confidence has grown and the kids being sick (even all three at the same time) isn’t as overwhelming as it was when I was a new mom.

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