Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mommyhood Distractions

I find myself being busy a lot lately. Always trying to hurry so I can get to the next task and accomplish more in a day than humanly possible. I have been catching myself not letting the kids help me and just doing it myself because it will be done faster if I just do it myself. As when I get help, it is actually a lesson in how to do whatever it is that I am doing. I want them to be along side me when I am doing the things that make life happen. I want them to learn how to be self-sufficient and know that the clothes do not magically make it back in their drawers all washed and folded. The dishes do not clean themselves and, meals do not appear with the wave of a wand. I enjoy my time with them as we do these things together and I teach them the skills they need to succeed in life. But lately, I have been finding that I am pushing them away, telling them to go play and let me just work. They have been confused and frustrated that I am doing this but I have been in such a hurry, I haven’t even noticed the expression on their faces just the obedience of them leaving me alone to do the work myself. (My kids are great at obeying but that is for another blog.)

Why have I allowed myself to be so busy and not spend that time with them? I have been telling myself that I am trying to get things done faster so I can spend more time with them. I am convincing myself of this deception. Being busy and not being in relationship with my kids is harmful to them spiritually. I am letting the enemy come in and take a foothold in my relationship with my kids. This is what he wants; he wants to wedge distractions and frustrations between my kids and me. If he does that then he will have a foothold on them. I need to stop and be still with them. Slowing down and allowing them to come along side me again. Doing all the tasks I do together and not allowing anything to come in the middle of my relationship. My relationship with them is an example of the relationship that they have with Christ. If I allow that wedge, that wall, then I am going to show them how to allow a wall between them and their Savior. They need to learn through my relationship with them how to hold fast and build that relationship with God.

It saddens me that I have even allowed this cycle to start. I am glad that I am recognizing it so that I can correct the problem, rebuild what I am loosing, and grow from there. The enemy is after my family as he is after every family. He knows that if he can break up the family, he can accomplish his destructive mission.

So now, I am going to go and do the tasks that need to be done along side my little ones. I am going to build that relationship so that it is impenetrable. While keeping my eye on the eternal goals and not on the worldly goals of just finishing the tasks so I can move on to the next.

“My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Colossians 2:2-3


  1. You are preaching to me.....that is for sure. I have done this a lot lately. Then I feel guilty and let my frustration build up and it all spills over and I snap at them simply because they are being.......children, Hello ME......they are children. They would do anything just to have time with me including cleaning. I should treasure this time because I know one day they will not WANT to help. So I have to redo least we did it together and made memories and connections that can't be replaced. Thanks for the reminder......I needed it.

  2. I think all moms go through this.


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