Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Faces of Summer

This weekend we broke out Mt. Tiki Soki, the coolest play sprinkler ever created. This ingenious volcano erupts water that reaches some serious heights. The kids love this little guy and could play with him all day if I let them. They had been asking for several weeks to play with him but it just hadn't been getting hot enough. (Not that I am complaining at all. We had an enjoyably mild June that I wouldn't trade in for anything.)

Mt. Tiki was so happy to be woken up from his volcanic slumber.
Just look at that giant grin.

The munchkins are eagerly anticipating the next eruption. 
They know he is going to blow his top and are watching his eyes waiting for him to "wake up" indicating the eruption is coming.

Looks of sheer joy as the water rains down from the sky.

Dancing in the down pour of lava water.

Catching the falling rain.

Splashing in the puddles with cute wrinkly feet.

This post linked to Sweet Shot Tuesday.


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